Botany Manor Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC (2025)

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Botany Manor Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC (1)

  • Developer: Balloon Studios
  • Publisher: Whitethorn Digital
  • Genre: Adventure
  • Release: Apr 9, 2024
  • Platform: PC
  • ESRB: Everyone


Hints & Secrets

Guide to Blooming All Flowers:

Discover how to effectively bloom all types of flowers with this comprehensive guide. Be cautious as spoilers lie ahead, revealing the secrets of achieving exquisite floral beauty. Embark on this journey and unlock the art of flower blooming.

Chapter 1 - Blooming the Windmill Wort

How to Bloom the Windmill Wort:
Blooming the Windmill Wort is incredibly simple, like a tutorial level.

From the clues gathered you'll discover that:

  • The plant originates from Sicily.
  • It is a Volcanic Flower.
  • The required soil temperature for a volcanic flower from Sicily is 60C.

Once you have all the necessary information, plant the seed in a fresh pot, water it to initiate sprouting and then move the pot to the front of the heat vents. Place a saucer under the pot.

Proceed to the large metal heater and turn the valve until the temperature reaches 60C. Return to the vents and open them.

The Windmill Wort should then bloom.

Chapter 2 - Blooming the Fulguria and Ash Plume

How to Bloom the Fulguria:
This one can be a little tricky, but not too much.

From the clues collected, pay close attention to everything you can read and interact with.

  • The Fulguria will only bloom during a thunderstorm so you'll need to create an artificial one.
  • The closest thing to a flash of lightning in a thunderstorm is the flash of a camera.
  • Unfortunately your flash powder has been depleted.
  • there is a convenient bench with various chemicals where you might be able to mix your own.
  • The composition of the flash powder is 2x potassium and 1x magnesium.

Once you've mixed the necessary ingredients, use the homemade flash powder on the tray and press the big red button. The Fulguria should then bloom.

Note that even if you haven't collected all the clues you can still bloom the plant if you know the answer, either through this guide or by trial and error.

How to Bloom the Ash Plume:
Interestingly, I completed this one before the Fulguria. I resorted to a bit of trial and error because I couldn't recall some parts of the clues and was too lazy to go back and read them again.

From the clues gathered you'll find out that:

  • Seeds or nuts with tough shells can be cracked using heat as hinted by the note about roasting chestnuts. Instead of watering the seed you'll need to crack it open to make it sprout.
  • Ash Plume is a pyrophile and will only bloom when specific smoke aromas, likely from a forest fire, are present.
  • To achieve this you'll need to burn the correct type of log at the smoking house to produce the right aroma for the plant.
  • There are four types of logs nearby. Considering the clues about Dartmoor and the fact that the seed was gathered from Wistman's Wood the oak log is the most probable choice.

Burn the correct wood log (just one is needed) in the smoking house to generate the correct smoke aroma and the Ash Plume will bloom.

Chapter 3 - Blooming Pixie Tears and Wolfglove

Blooming Pixie Tears:
This plant is quite different from the ones you've encountered so far.

From the clues gathered you should know that:

  • Pixie Tears lacks chlorophyll and relies on the nutrients in its soil to grow and bloom.
  • The amount of nutrients you need to add to the soil in your pot varies depending on the pot and it's 97g.
  • There's an apple press nearby with a variety of apples that have varying sugar levels. You can use these apples as fertilizer for the plant which is why it is closely associated with orchards.

Once you have potted and watered the plant, all you have to do is place it at the outlet of the apple press, put the correct types of apples on the press (Merlin's Mist - 27g, Knobby - 40g and Cat's Head - 30g) and turn the handle to crush them.

Pixie Tears should then bloom.

Blooming Wolfglove:
To obtain this seed you'll first need to discover the Priest Hole. You'll notice that the ruined stairs lead you to a room with a symbol that seems oddly familiar. The same symbol can be found in the kitchen near some weights.

If you recall a poem by Nicholas Owen hung on the kitchen wall it mentions something about the construction year of the house being the key.

Head to the Painting Room, where you'll find a layout of the manor. There you'll find your answer - it's 1593.

Now, all you need to do is place the weights according to the year and voila! The secret door will open, allowing you to obtain the Wolfglove seed for planting.

Here are some additional clues:

  • Wolfglove is typically found at high altitudes.
  • There's a tower, known as the Turbulent Tower, near your orchard that has a lift.

Once you have potted and watered the plant the Wolfglove should bloom.

From: Acey_2Apr 12, 2024


Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Upon gathering your herbarium items, make your way through the ornate stained glass doors to begin Chapter 1. Inside the conservatory you'll find the heat vent with its temperature gauge and control situated to the left.

Discoveries in the Conservatory:

  • Seed Packet: Located on the potting table within the conservatory.
  • Clue 1: A postcard from Marianne, found on the bench at the conservatory's far end.
  • Clue 2: A poster of wildflowers, affixed to the right-hand side blackboard in the conservatory.
  • Clue 3: A temperature chart, also posted on the right-hand side blackboard.

Analysis: Marianne's postcard reveals that windmill wort thrives exclusively in her current hiking location. The wildflower poster identifies the windmill wort, while the temperature chart specifies the optimal soil temperatures for various Mediterranean flora.

Photographic Evidence: A montage of the postcard, wildflower poster and temperature chart is available as part of the Botany Manor Guide on LadiesGamers.Com.

Conclusion: Marianne is exploring Sicily. The windmill wort a plant native to volcanic regions, requires soil temperatures around 60°C, typical of Sicily's volcanic terrain. Adjust the heat vent boiler's wheel to set the temperature to 60°C, place the potted windmill wort seed on the saucer in front of the heat vent near the postcard and activate the vent.

Next Steps: Head back to the gatehouse to retrieve the key for the entrance garden gates.

From: Aaronrow00Jun 11, 2024


Chapter 2 Walkthrough

Upon retrieving the key from the gatehouse, proceed to unlock the entrance garden gate. Make your way into Botany Manor's main hall to commence Chapter 2. A map detailing the ground floor layout of Botany Manor includes the positions of five essential clues: a seed packet, apothecary bottles a camera and a flash lamp, all documented in the Botany Manor Guide on LadiesGamers.Com.

Clue Gathering for Fulguria:

  • Seed packet: Located on a chair at the base of the grand staircase.
  • Clue 1: Photographs found on a table near the grand staircase.
  • Clue 2: Folklore book positioned at the dining room's far end.
  • Clue 3: Flash lamp manual resting on a circular table in the drawing room.
  • Clue 4: Letter from a farmer stored within the drawing room's bureau.
  • Clue 5: Flash powder bottle which requires rotation to view the chemical composition, also in the bureau.

Deduction: The photographs indicate Arabella's engagement in photographing plants. The folklore book reveals that the fulguria plant blooms during thunderstorms, while the flash lamp manual provides usage instructions. The farmer's letter alongside an empty flash powder bottle suggests Arabella's utilization of flash photography to possibly create more flash powder.

Solution: Utilize the apothecary bottles to mix a flask containing two parts potassium and one part magnesium. Transfer this mixture to the flash lamp, secure the container and position the potted fulgaria seed in front of the screen to photograph it.

Retrieve the back terrace key from a tray near the piano in the drawing room. If you have previously determined the growth conditions for the ash plume, head back to the gatehouse to acquire the orchard key.

Ash Plume
Start Chapter 2 by entering Botany Manor's main hall after unlocking the entrance garden gate with the key from the gatehouse. The ground floor map highlights seven clues and marks the locations of the back terrace and kitchen keys and doors, along with a seed packet and log pile as part of the Botany Manor Guide on LadiesGamers.Com.

Clue Gathering for Ash Plume:

  • Clue 1: Dartmoor Poster displayed on a wall in the screens passage.
  • Clue 2: Pyrophiles book situated on a table within the same passage.
  • After obtaining the key from the drawing room, proceed to open the door leading to the back terrace.
  • Seed packet: Placed on a table in the rose garden, accessible via steps from the back terrace.
  • Clue 3: Seed log found next to the seed packet on a rose garden table.

Retrieve the kitchen key from a tray on the viewpoint wall, then return to Botany Manor to access the kitchen.

  • Clue 4: Cooking book located on the kitchen's central large table.
  • Clue 5: Dartmoor lecture positioned near the kitchen's far-left wall.
  • Clue 6: Poem mounted on the wall in the servants' hall.
  • Clue 7: Smoking book found on a table near the smokery in the kitchen garden.

Deduction: The seed log indicates the ash plume seed's origin from Wistman's Wood. The Dartmoor poster and lecture detail the land's historical clearing by fire, while the pyrophiles book discusses certain plants' adaptations to forest fires. The cooking book describes methods for cracking tough shells by heat and the smoking book elaborates on the aromas produced by different woods. The poem highlights the ancient oaks of Wistman's Wood.

Solution: After potting the ash plume seed, place it in a pan above the kitchen fire to facilitate opening and growth. Then, transport the seedling to the smokery, placing it on a bench's pot saucer. Collect oak wood from the log pile to use in the fire pit, encouraging the ash plume to flower.

Upon resolving the growth conditions for the fulguria, revisit the gatehouse to collect the orchard key.

From: Ins1ghtfulJun 11, 2024


Chapter 3: Peculiar Petals

Upon retrieving the key from the gatehouse, proceed to unlock and enter the orchard, commencing Chapter 3.

Search for clues regarding Pixie Tears:

  • Seed packet: Located on the bench inside the right-hand shed of the orchard.
  • Clue 1: Pot notes found alongside the seed packet on the orchard shed bench.
  • Clue 2: A book on chloroplasts placed on the circular table under the orchard's shelter.
  • Clue 3: Microscope slides in a box on the rectangular table near the microscope under the shelter.
  • Clue 4: Apple blending instructions on the right-hand bench of the cider garden's shelter.
  • Clue 5: Cider apple varieties displayed on the shelter wall in the cider garden.

Analysis: The book on chloroplasts reveals that some plants do not photosynthesize but instead absorb sugar through their roots. The microscope slides indicate the absence of chloroplasts in pixie tears. Pot notes detail the required nutrient additions for various pots. The apple blending instructions provide sugar, tannin and acid levels for various apples, which, along with the cider apple poster, aid in identifying apple varieties.

Calculating Additions:
A standard pot needs an addition of 97g of sugar. Place the potted pixie tears seed at the cider garden's press base. No single apple variety contains the necessary 97g of sugar alone; mix varieties such as Knobbly Russet, Cat's Head and Merlin's Mist to achieve the required total. Using the poster, select and load the appropriate apples onto the cider press, then turn the handle.

After addressing the wolfglove's growing conditions, revisit the gatehouse to review Elizabeth's letter.

Retrieve the orchard key from the gatehouse, unlock the gate and step into the orchard to begin Chapter 3.

Hunt for Wolfglove clues:

  • Clue 1: Nursery rhyme located on a table near the orchard gate.
  • Clue 2: Builder's letter on a left-path table towards the tower.
  • Clue 3: Wind research on a terrace table outside the orangery.
  • Clue 4: Alpine weather/exploration details on a nearby terrace table.
  • Clue 5: Stamped envelope at the orangery's upper floor walkway end.
  • Clue 6: Letter about the Alps from Natty beside the stamped envelope.
  • Seed packet: Edging the ornamental pond on the orangery's lower floor.
  • Clue 7: Coin collection in boxes on either side of the lower floor.

Analysis: The nursery rhyme describes the high-altitude wolfglove. The builder's letter names the tower 'turbulent' due to strong winds. Research notes and the Alpine document list wind speeds and pressures on various mountains. Natty's letter confirms the discovery of a whistling flower in the Alps, with both the stamp and a coin depicting similar motifs.

Recreating Conditions:
Rotate the coin to reveal the goat's head and star symbolizing the Weisshorn in Switzerland. Based on the Alpine chart the Weisshorn endures winds of 40 f/s, achievable in the tower on test 5. Place the wolfglove seed in the tower's plant pot saucer, manipulate the handle as needed to adjust the shutters and replicate the necessary wind conditions.

Upon solving the pixie tears puzzle, return to the gatehouse for Elizabeth's letter.

Orangery Lower Floor
Before finalizing the wolfglove puzzle, uncover the orangery's lower floor secret passage. Collect the painting room key from the upper floor windowsill tray and unlock the door.

Locating clues for the secret passage:

  • Clue 1: Historian's letter on a crate at the orchard's covered end.
  • Clue 2: Book on priest holes beside the historian's letter.
  • Clue 3: Symbology book on the painting room window table; nearby a letter about ancient kitchen scales.
  • Clue 4: Manor floorplan on the wall near the painting room entrance.
  • Clue 5: Religious blessing under a kitchen window.
  • Clue 6: Mysterious symbol next to the ancient scales in the pantry.

Analysis: The historian's letter and priest holes book discuss hidden rooms for catholic priests, opened via intricate mechanisms. The symbology book features a catholic lamb symbol, matching Nicholas Owen's religious blessing a known priest hole designer. The manor's floor plans and the pantry's mysterious symbol suggest a hidden priest hole location.

The priest hole is concealed behind the pantry shelves, marked by the catholic symbol. To access, arrange weights on the ancient scales as per the manor's construction year, 1593.

From: AndaaJun 11, 2024


Chapter 4: Plant Puzzles and Hidden Vaults

Library Entrance and the Mysterious Vault, Upon receiving the letter from Arabella's sister, Elizabeth you discover that the code for the library hall door lock is based on Elizabeth's initials. To decode this, refer to the family tree painting located in the main hall.

Solution: Elizabeth's full name is Elizabeth Ann Hopgood. Set the library hall lock dials to E, A, H.

As you make your way into the library your immediate task is to locate the hidden vault of Grandma.

  • Clue 1: Located on the entrance table, find the Crow fable (lower floor).
  • Clue 2: Discover the Night sky book on a table in the far left-hand corner (lower floor).
  • Clue 3: The Fish fable is on a table along the right-hand wall (upper floor).
  • Clue 4: Find the Hare fable in the first left alcove (upper floor).
  • Clue 5: The Sunrise book sits on a table in the second left alcove (upper floor).

Deduction: The plaques on the wall correlate with the five books scattered across the library. There are books about dawn and night and each fable begins with a specific time of day.

Solution: Activate the plaques sequentially based on the time of day they represent, starting with sunrise, then fish, hare, crow and finally the moon.

Retrieve the study key from the desk tray inside Grandma's secret vault.

Sapphire Gloom
After obtaining the key from the vault, proceed to unlock the study door.

Seed packet location - positioned on the small table at the far end of the study.

  • Clue 1: The Mushroom book is in the writing bureau at the bay window.
  • Clue 2: Find the Tree diseases book near the far side of the study.

Deduction: The Mushroom book details how certain mushrooms obtain nutrients by parasitizing other fungi. Arabella notes that not all mushrooms found on trees are harmful. The Tree diseases book reveals that the tree in the main hall suffers from a root parasite.

Solution: Place the potted sapphire gloom seed in the plant pot saucer at the tree base in the main hall.

Address the growth conditions for the sapphire gloom to cultivate the nightfall.

Seed packet location - found on the small table at the far end of Grandma's vault.

  • Clue 1: Grandma's research notes are on a vault table.
  • Clue 2: Observe the eight Sunset paintings on the vault walls.
  • Clue 3: The Trapped fairy story is located on a table in the master bedroom.
  • Clue 4: The Trapped fairy painting hangs near the attic door.
  • Clue 5: The Sight of plants book is on the attic stairs' top table.
  • Clue 6: Find the Trapped moths on a table to the left in the attic stairwell.
  • Clue 7: The Moths poster is on the stairwell wall.
  • Clue 8: Locate the Moth calendar under the poster on a table in the stairwell.

Deduction: Grandma's research indicates the nightfall flower blooms at sunset, but the specific time of year remains unknown. The trapped fairy story and corresponding painting help identify the fairy's wing type caught in the nightfall flower.

Using the moths poster for wing identification and the moth spotting calendar, determine the moth's appearance month. The sunset paintings depict the seasonal color variations and the sight of plants book explains plant photoperception regarding bud behavior.

Solution: Position the potted nightfall seed in front of the attic's projector screen. The trapped fairy had garden tiger moth wings, seen in September. Select the sunset picture from September 12th and arrange the blue, yellow, orange and red projector slides accordingly. Activate the projector.

If all three flowers' conditions have been met, proceed to the gatehouse to retrieve the key for the formal garden.

Cradle Fern
Address the growth conditions for sapphire gloom to proceed with the cradle fern.

Seed packet location - on the writing bureau in the master bedroom.

  • Clue 1: A petition inside the master bedroom's writing bureau.
  • Clue 2: Observe the Fern painting in the corridor.
  • Clue 3: Bird eggs are on a table at the far side of the study.
  • Clue 4: A letter about melodies is on the table behind the bell tower stairwell.
  • Clue 5: Bird calls are on a table in the bell tower.

Deduction: The petition notes certain birds produce chime-like calls. The fern painting includes bird eggs nestled among the leaves, identifiable using the bird egg display case. The letter describes how plants react to environmental sounds which can be replicated using the bird calls music book.

Solution: Place the potted cradle fern seed near the bell tower's bells in the pot saucer. Match the bird eggs in the painting to those of a crested owl. Play the crested owl call by striking the bells in the sequence E, C, D, E, G, F.

Once all conditions for the three flowers are met, head back to the gatehouse to collect the formal garden key.

Brook Chalice
Address the growth conditions for sapphire gloom to proceed with the brook chalice.

Seed packet location - on the small table at the far side of the attic, near the rose window.

  • Clue 1: A letter about weeds is near the attic door.
  • Clue 2: Weed removal notes are in the bin by the master bedroom's writing bureau.
  • Clue 3: The River trust notice is in the bell tower stairwell.
  • Clue 4: A government notice also hangs in the bell tower stairwell.
  • Clue 5: A river poster is in the room behind the bell tower stairwell.
  • Clue 6: The Bath geyser manual is on a table in the master bedroom's bathroom.

Deduction: Edith's letter mentions the brook chalice flowering in a Somerset river. The weed removal and river trust notices detail the removal of river weeds your the brook chalice to facilitate swimming in the Rivers Cam, Chew and Somer. The government notice states these rivers are polluted with rust from the Iron Works, but the River Frome remains unaffected by rust. The river poster provides insights into Somerset rivers and the bath geyser manual describes achieving instant hot water.

Solution: Place the potted brook chalice seed in the master bedroom's bathroom pot saucer. Simulate iron pollution by adding the rusty pig from the attic into the bath. Fix the bath geyser with the T-shaped pipe piece atop the vertical pipe, fitting the remaining curved angles, set the temperature to 25°C (like the River Frome) and turn on the tap.

Once all conditions for the three flowers are met, head back to the gatehouse to collect the formal garden key.

From: PentarexJun 11, 2024



Steam Achievements

To unlock the following, you have to play the game and collect/Earn achievements. You can find those earned achievements in your Game-Main menu or you can view them if you signup at one of the Steam communities.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Art LoverInspect Arabella's paintings
BoomCreate a faulty mix of chemicals
Botanical ResearcherComplete every page in the Herbarium
Brook ChaliceGrow Brook Chalice
Clean and TidyFlush The Toilet
CrackGerminate the Ash Plume seed
Cradle FernGrow the Cradle Fern
Fixer UpperFix the orangery staircase
Flower ArrangingPlace a plant on every saucer in the Flower Room
Fool's EmeraldGrow the Fool's Emerald
FroggerFind a way across the pond
FulguriaGrow the Fulguria
Grandmother's VaultOpen Grandmother's secret vault
Green ThumbsGrow the same plant three times or more
View Complete List »

From: LuigisyoshibudApr 14, 2024


Game Walkthroughs

Walkthrough (PC)

  • Walkthrough: Full Demo Game
  • From: F45 Gaming

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Botany Manor - Official Overview Trailer

  • Added on: Mar 28, 2024

Botany Manor - Official Release Date Trailer

  • Added on: Mar 28, 2024

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Views: 6251

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.