1. Breast Enlargement, Implants & Augmentation | KIMS Hospital, Kent
KIMS Hospital offer breast enlargement surgery, breast augmentation and implants to help restore your confidence. See a Consultant in Sevenoaks or ...
KIMS Hospital offer breast enlargement surgery, breast augmentation and implants to help restore your confidence. See a Consultant in Sevenoaks or Maidstone.
2. VIEW Plastic Surgery in Korea
Lee Dong Kyu. Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. Dr. Kim So Young. Breast Examination Specialist (Mammotome). Dr. Kim Min Soo. Surgical : Ultrasound. Dr. Kim ...
No.1 Asia's Plastic Surgery Hub
3. Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
A Preliminary Report with Anatomical Soft Cohesive Gel Implant in Augmentation mammoplasty in Korean Women. Yeon Woong Kang, Jang Hwan Min, Tai Suk Roh, Jung ...
4. Developing a deep learning model to predict the breast implant texture ...
19 mrt 2024 · The objective of this study is to determine the feasibility of using a deep learning model to classify the textured shell type of breast implants.
Introduction Breast implants, including textured variants, have been widely used in aesthetic and reconstructive mammoplasty. However, the textured type, which is one of the shell types of breast implants, has been identified as a possible carcinogenic factor for lymphoma, specifically breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). Identifying the texture type of the implant is critical to the diagnosis of BIA-ALCL. However, distinguishing the shell type can be difficult due to human memory or loss of medical history. An alternative approach is to use ultrasonography, but this method also has limitations in quantitative assessment. Objective The objective of this study is to determine the feasibility of using a deep learning model to classify the textured shell type of breast implants and make robust predictions from ultrasonography images from heterogeneous sources. Methods A total of 19,502 breast implant images were retrospectively collected from heterogeneous sources, including images from both Canon (D1) and GE (D2), images of ruptured implants (D3), and images without implants (D4), as well as publicly available images (D5). The Canon (D1) images were trained using Resnet-50. The performance of the model on D1 was evaluated using stratified 5-fold cross-validation. Additionally, external validation was conducted using D2 and D5. The AUROC and PRAUC were calculated based on the contribution of the pixels with Grad-CAM. To identify the significant...
5. A Deep Learning Model to Predict Breast Implant Texture Types Using ...
5 nov 2024 · Background: Breast implants, including textured variants, have been widely used in aesthetic and reconstructive mammoplasty.
Background: Breast implants, including textured variants, have been widely used in aesthetic and reconstructive mammoplasty. However, the textured type, which is one of the shell texture types of breast implants, has been identified as a possible etiologic factor for lymphoma, specifically breast implant–associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). Identifying the shell texture type of the implant is critical to diagnosing BIA-ALCL. However, distinguishing the shell texture type can be difficult due to the loss of human memory and medical history. An alternative approach is to use ultrasonography, but this method also has limitations in quantitative assessment. Objective: This study aims to determine the feasibility of using a deep learning model to classify the shell texture type of breast implants and make robust predictions from ultrasonography images from heterogeneous sources. Methods: A total of 19,502 breast implant images were retrospectively collected from heterogeneous sources, including images captured from both Canon and GE devices, images of ruptured implants, and images without implants, as well as publicly available images. The Canon images were trained using ResNet-50. The model’s performance on the Canon dataset was evaluated using stratified 5-fold cross-validation. Additionally, external validation was conducted using the GE and publicly available datasets. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) and the area under the pr...
6. Quality evaluation of internet resources related to breast surgery ...
30 apr 2024 · This study aimed to evaluate the quality of search results related to breast implants obtained from major domestic websites in Korea using ...
As of 2019, over 4.5 billion people, or 58.8% of the global population, were using the internet, with an average daily usage of 6.5 hours per person [1-3]. When seeking health information, individuals typically access portal sites, which are the initial sites they visit through their internet connection. In Korea, as of 2014, the market shares were distributed as follows: Naver at 73.0%, Google at 14.5%, and Daum at 12.3% [4]. By the first half of 2022, the figures had shifted to Naver holding 60.1%, Google increasing to 29.2%, and Daum dropping to 5.2% [5]. Although Naver remains the dominant portal, Google has seen a substantial increase in its share over the past eight years, whereas Daum’s share has declined to a single digit (source: www.internettrend.co.kr). On Google’s search engine, approximately 7% of queries are for health-related information, with over 1 billion searches for health-related topics occurring daily.
See AlsoSimple People Episode 9 Watch
7. Best Selfie | View Plastic Surgery
Real Surgery Reviews from View Plastic Surgery Korea, the K-beauty Center. plastic surgery before and after,korea,breast augmentation,rhinoplasty,vline ...
Real Surgery Reviews from View Plastic Surgery Korea, the K-beauty Center. plastic surgery before and after,korea,breast augmentation,rhinoplasty,vline surgery
8. The Most Beautiful Korean Noses: Celebrity Picks by Top Surgeons
4 okt 2024 · Kim Tae-hee: Often referred to as one of the most ... Non-surgical nose enhancement techniques, like the Korean Nose Fit Lift (also ...
Discover the beauty of the perfect Korean nose with examples from top celebrities and insights from expert surgeons.
9. Indications for the Use of MemoryShape Breast Implants in Aesthetic ...
... Implants for Breast Reconstruction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. So-Eun HanK. LeeS. Bang. Medicine. Aesthetic surgery journal. 2020. TLDR. The results ...
Prospective data through 9 years support comparable safety of round and shaped breast implants, and high levels of patient satisfaction, in patients undergoing primary and revision breast augmentation and reconstruction. Background: The availability of different styles of silicone gel implants—including traditional round devices and shaped, form-stable implants—offers a variety of choices for women undergoing breast augmentation and reconstruction. The purpose of this analysis was to characterize clinical outcomes associated with the Mentor MemoryGel (round) MemoryShape/Contour Profile Gel (shaped) devices through 9 years of use in women undergoing breast augmentation or reconstruction. Methods: The Mentor Core studies are nonrandomized, open-label clinical trials designed to assess the long-term safety and efficacy of silicone gel breast implants. The cumulative incidence of selected complications and reoperations was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Patient satisfaction was assessed by asking the patient if she would decide to have breast implant surgery again. Results: Shaped implants were associated with lower cumulative incidence rates of Baker Grade III/IV capsular contracture compared with round implants (3.4% vs 11.3%, respectively, in primary augmentation, P < 0.0001; 15.6% vs 24.4% in revision-augmentation, P < 0.05). Reoperation, explantation, and infection rates were comparable between devices across cohorts, except for lower incidence of infection with sh...
10. The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine
Eun-Eun Kim, Yoodong Won, Yeon-Hee Kim, Inhye ... Case Reports Alveolar Hemorrhage after Polyacrylamide Injection for Breast Augmentation ... So Yern Kim, Young Soo ...
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11. Dr. Eun Key Kim - Popular Cosmetic Surgeon | MediGence
Breast augmentation is one of the most sought-after cosmetic procedures that ... They also work frequently with other experts in a multi-disciplinary group.
Book your appointment with Dr. Eun Key Kim, a popular Cosmetic Surgeon online. Check out doctor’s experience, patient’s feedback about doctor.
12. Long-term outcomes of immediate autologous breast reconstruction ...
... Soo Son3, Young Woo Chang3, Sang Uk Woo4, Deok-Woo Kim5, Eun-Sang Dhong6. 1Department of Radiation Oncology, Ansan Hospital, Korea University Medical Center ...
Background: To analyze oncologic outcomes and reconstruction quality in locally advanced stage breast cancer after performing immediate autologous breast reconstruction (IABR). Methods: From 2007 to 2014, data of patients aged ≤70 years old with stage II–III breast cancer who received total mastectomy (TM) were extracted from medical records. Exclusion criteria were: previous contralateral breast cancer, follow-up loss before adjuvant therapy completion, and artificial reconstruction. Patients were divided into two groups: (I) TM alone, and (II) TM + IABR. Overall survival (OS) and loco-regional recurrence free survival (LRRFS) were calculated. Times of minor revision, abnormal image findings in breast, and change of breast height were observed. Results: Sixty-one of 188 patients received IABR after TM. Stage IIIB–C was the most important prognostic factor for OS (P