1. Notruf Hafenkante - Seizoen 18 (2023-2024) - MovieMeter.nl
Show titel: Notruf Hafenkante · IMDb beoordeling: 5,6 (368) · Afleveringen: 26 · Speelduur: 19 uur en 30 minuten · Ontwikkeld door: Ines Karp, Dominik Kempf, ...
Alles over Notruf Hafenkante - Seizoen 18. Met Harald Maack, 1325636, Gerit Kling, 48513 en Sanna Englund, 68840.
2. Notruf Hafenkante (zdf): United States entertainment analytics
Parrot Analytics has found that the audience demand for Notruf Hafenkante is less than one tenth of the demand of the average TV series in the United States in ...
Notruf Hafenkante United States tv ratings and audience insights for zdf's Crime Drama series based on US demand data from Parrot Analytics for television executives. Includes audience growth rate, affinity and television ratings (market multiple) based on demand data.
3. Notruf Hafenkante (Serie, 2007 - 2024) - MovieMeter.nl
De serie speelt zich af in een Hamburgs politiecommissariaat. De politieagenten werken nauw samen met de artsen van het Elbziekenhuis, omdat politiediensten ...
Misdaad/Drama serie geregisseert door Ines Karp . Met Marie-Lou Sellem, Gerit Kling, Sanna Englund
4. Notruf Hafenkante 19 (DVD) - iMusic.co
7+ million items World wide delivery All in vinyl, CD, merch & movies Huge in k-pop. Top-rated on Trustpilot based on thousands of customer reviews.
DVD "Notruf Hafenkante 19" · 4 units. Weighs 380 g.
5. Notruf Hafenkante: 18 season 2023 - Myshows.me
Season rating · Cast 13.
All information on the 18 season of the Notruf Hafenkante series: the list and schedule of the series, description and rating on MyShows.me
6. Port Police Station - Hamburg
The harbor police station No. 2 near the Elbphilharmonie is known through the TV series "Notruf Hafenkante" and almost as well known as the Davidwache on ...
The harbor police station No. 2 near the Elbphilharmonie is known through the TV series "Notruf Hafenkante" and almost as well known as the Davidwache on Hamburg's Reeperbahn.
7. „Notruf Hafenkante“: Set-Besuch und Komparsenrolle - United Charity
22 aug 2013 · Komparse bei „Notruf Hafenkante“: Ersteigern Sie für den guten Zweck einen Set-Besuch bei der ZDF-Serie ... rating-star. 4.92 ...
See AlsoCant Install TerracraftKomparse bei „Notruf Hafenkante“: Ersteigern Sie für den guten Zweck einen Set-Besuch bei der ZDF-Serie. Hier mitbieten und Gutes tun!
8. Notruf Hafenkante - LezWatch.TV
Notruf Hafenkante is a TV Show found on ZDF - Tropes: Queers in Law Enforcement - Cops and Docs in Germany.
9. Hamburg Dockland (TV Series 2007- ) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
Login to use TMDB's new rating system. NR Crime, Drama. Welcome to Vibes ... Original Name Notruf Hafenkante. Status Returning Series. Network. See more TV ...
Shows the interaction between Hamburg police officers and paramedics.
10. Notruf Hafenkante - Next Episode Air Date
Where to countdown Notruf Hafenkante air dates? Is Notruf Hafenkante worth watching? Genres: Crime | Drama Station: ZDFmediathek (DE) Rating: 10/10 from 1 users.
Your TV show guide to Countdown Notruf Hafenkante Air Dates. Stay in touch with Notruf Hafenkante next episode Air Date and your favorite TV Shows.
11. Notruf Hafenkante (TV Show, 2007) - DoesTheDogDie.com
Notruf Hafenkante. TV Show • 2007. Report. Shows the interaction between ... Help this trigger get rated faster. Become a supporter! Support as many ...
Does the dog die in Notruf Hafenkante? Click for that and many other trigger warnings.
12. Notruf Hafenkante TV Show Air Dates & Track Episodes
16 dec 2024 · Notruf Hafenkante plays in the Hamburg Police Department 21 (PK 21). Several events are processed in a sequence. It can be about kidnapping ...
Track Notruf Hafenkante new episodes, see when is the next episode air date, series schedule, trailer, countdown, calendar and more. TV show guide for Notruf Hafenkante.
13. Notruf Hafenkante: 4 season 2009 - Myshows.me
Season rating · Cast 13.
All information on the 4 season of the Notruf Hafenkante series: the list and schedule of the series, description and rating on MyShows.me