in:Quests, World Quests, Sumeru Quests with Reputation Reward,
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- Sumeru Quests
- Lokapala Jungle Quests
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- Released in Version 3.0
- History
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Where Are the Fierce Creatures? is a hidden World Quest in Sumeru. It does not appear in the Quest menu or have Quest Steps, but it is classified as a World Quest by Sumeru's Reputation system and provides Quest Rewards.
- 1 Start Location
- 2 Steps
- 3 Gameplay Notes
- 4 Dialogue
- 4.1 Sumpter Beastlord
- 4.2 Rishboland Raja
- 4.3 Return to Santon
- 5 Trivia
- 6 Video Guides
- 7 Other Languages
- 8 Change History
Start Location[]
Start location
Additional context
- Talk to Santon located south of the Palace of Alcazarzaray.
- Kill the 3 fierce creatures in any order
- Gator Raja — Oversized Gator: In a lake located east of Sumeru City.
Gator Raja's location
Additional context
- Sumpter Beastlord — Giant Blockading Sumpter Beast: In a cave located southeast of the Spire of Solitary Enlightenment domain, and southwest of The Chasm's Statue of The Seven. Upon approaching its location, Paimon will remark that the Sumpter Beastlord should be nearby.
Sumpter Beastlord's location
Additional context
- Rishboland Raja — Alleged Child-Napper, Rishboland Tiger: Place Fowl ×1 in the plate next to the Notice located southwest of the Steeple of Ignorance domain, then change the time to between 21:00 and 03:00.
Rishboland Raja's location
Additional context
- Gator Raja — Oversized Gator: In a lake located east of Sumeru City.
- Talk to Santon
Gameplay Notes[]
- The Gator Raja can be encountered and defeated before talking to Santon.
- Completion of the quest and the A Short Encounter with a Rare Bird World Quest awards the Wonders of the World achievement Sumeru Monster Ecology Survey.
- After talking to Santon, three NPCs will appear in the western Chasm area regarding the Sumpter Beastlord's location: Anaya, Hong, and Najib. Speaking to them is optional.
- Anaya is located east of the Gandharva Ville Statue of The Seven, on the cliff above the path leading to Gandharva Ville by a fruit tree.
- Hong is located west and slightly south of the Chasm Statue of The Seven, past the three Unique Rock Pillars up on a higher cliff.
- Najib is located on a cliff north of the Sumpter Beastlord's location.
- (Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Santon, optional)
- ???: (How I wish to see the animals they spoke of...)
- (Talk to Santon)
- ???: Indeed, only in Sumeru can you truly feel nature. The air in Fontaine, by contrast, is practically toxic fumes...
- ???: What is it? Can I help you?
We're just a bit curious.
- Paimon: Do you live in this tent?
- ???: Yes, I've been living here for a while now. Oh, I get it... It's weird to see someone from Fontaine living in a tent out in the Sumeru wilds, eh?
- ???: As for why... I shall explain. But first, what are your names?
- Paimon: Paimon's name is Paimon.
I'm (TravelerTraveler).
- ???: So, (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon. Noted.
- Santon: I'm Santon. As you can see, I'm from Fontaine, and I'm here in Sumeru for the forest, of course! I love forests!
- Santon: If you live in the city for too long, your body grows weak from the lack of exercise and your mind grows complacent.
- Santon: Only in the vast expanse of the outdoors can you regain any sense of harmony. Forests are the best place to get re-connected to nature.
- Santon: That's why I came to Sumeru. After all, the forests here are probably the best in Teyvat.
- Paimon: Paimon kinda understands, but also not really...
- Paimon: But with all the kinds of monsters present in them, the forests of Sumeru can be pretty dangerous...
- Santon: That's the point!
- Paimon: Huh?
- Santon: I wouldn't feel the thrill if there was no danger at all! Worry not, I'm actually a famous hunter in Fontaine...
- Paimon: So, it's hunting in the forests that you're actually in love with!
- Paimon: You're just a poacher from Fontaine, aren't you!?
Guess we'll have to intervene!
Poaching disrupts the ecosystem!
- Santon: No, you've got it wrong. I'm no poacher! Poaching is a serious crime!
- Santon: If you get caught poaching in Fontaine, your life is over. I'd never dare to do that. We Fontaine hunters deal mostly with "fierce animals."
- Paimon: Deal with fierce animals?
- Santon: Think about it. Fierce animals coming too close to human settlements do harm to both sides, so they have to be kept away from human dwellings.
- Paimon: So that's what you do...?
- Santon: Yeah, this way, those who live nearby will no longer be disturbed by ferocious animals, and conversely, human activities will also cease to trouble the animals.
- Santon: To be honest, I had heard that there were some fierce animals in the vicinity, and I was hired to drive them away. I mean, as a hunter, how could I sit by, right?
- Santon: Of course, I do have an interest in such creatures myself.
- Santon: That overgrown gator is pretty impressive, for instance. Known to kids as the "Gator Raja," it sounds like it came straight out of an urban legend.
- (If the Gator Raja has not yet been defeated)
- Santon: It's said to be found in the waters nearby.
- Santon: And there's the Rishboland Raja that tries to steal children, and the gigantic Sumpter Beast that blocks the passage to Liyue...
- Santon: The Rishboland Raja seems to be in the jungle west of here.
- Santon: As for the Sumpter Beastlord... Oh, that's the gigantic Sumpter Beast I was talking about, by the way. There's a few frightened witnesses who claimed that it haunts the east and assaults passersby.
- Paimon: They sound pretty dangerous...
- Santon: Yes. Be careful when you see them. But I can sense the seasoned hunters in you, though, so perhaps my concerns are unnecessary.
- Santon: If you happen to run into them, please drive them away!
- Santon: That should keep the people here safe!
Sure, if we do come across them.
- Santon: That would be much appreciated!
- Santon: Please take heed of the safety of the people, the ferocious animals and of course, yourselves!
- Paimon: You got it!
- (If the Gator Raja has already been defeated)
- Paimon: Overgrown crocodile? Could that be the one we met before, (TravelerTraveler)?
- Santon: You drove the legendary Gator Raja away?
- Santon: It is said that the Gator Raja is akin to an emerging giant sandbar as it rises from rushing river current, and is even capable of cutting the river's flow off! Is that true?
That's exactly how it happened!
- Santon: Amazing!
Legends are often exaggerated.
- Santon: Is that so? I find that somewhat disappointing, somehow...
- Santon: Ordinary crocodiles are already tough to handle, so dealing with the devious Gator Raja must be a truly perilous endeavor.
- Santon: I thought I felt the vibe of seasoned hunters off you guys. Guess I wasn't mistaken!
- Paimon: Of course not, we've been through a lot of adventures together.
- Santon: Other than the Gator Raja, there are two beasts out there — one is the Rishboland Raja that steals children and the other is the huge Sumpter Beast that blocks the passage to Liyue...
- Santon: The Rishboland Raja seems to be in the jungle west of here.
- Santon: It is said that the Sumpter Beastlord is an incomparably large Sumpter Beast... Several frightened witnesses have claimed that it haunts the east, assaulting unfortunate passersby.
- Paimon: They sound pretty dangerous...
- Santon: Yes. Be careful when you see them. But if you handled the Gator Raja, perhaps my concerns are unnecessary.
- Santon: If you happen to run into them, please drive them away!
- Santon: That should keep the people here safe!
Sure, if we do come across them.
- Santon: I'd appreciate it!
- Santon: Please take heed of the safety of the people, the ferocious animals and of course, yourselves!
- Paimon: Got it!
- (Talk to Santon again)
- Santon: So, did you run into any of those ferocious creatures?
- Santon: If you happen to encounter the creatures, please drive them away. It would be a good thing, for people and animals both.
About the Gator Raja...
- Santon: They say that the Gator Raja haunts the waters on the east side of the city. But I've checked several times and have never seen the sunning beast.
About the Rishboland Raja...
- Santon: The story around here is that the Rishboland Raja comes out of the forest in the west at midnight and snatches naughty kids who aren't willing to go to bed.
- Santon: Parents probably made up the kidnapping part to scare their kids to bed, but Rishboland Tigers are indeed more active at night.
- Santon: Rumor has it that some wayfarers traveling at night were chased by a huge Rishboland tiger, though fortunately, there have been no casualties thus far.
About the Sumpter Beastlord...
- Santon: I've heard that some wild Sumpter Beasts are territorial and will attack intruders. I'm sure the Sumpter Beastlord is the same.
- Santon: Its turf is somewhere in the east.
- Santon: I wonder just how big the Sumpter Beastlord must be to have earned that moniker.
We're still looking into it.
- Santon: Well, keep up the good work!
Sumpter Beastlord[]
- (Talk to Najib, optional)
- Najib: The Sumpter Beastlord? You mean the giant Sumpter Beast, right?
- Najib: I was going over to Liyue two days ago when I saw it by The Chasm.
- Najib: Luckily for me, it was napping. I tiptoed around and got away. It was the size of a hill.
- Najib: Where did I see it? Liyue is to the south from here, so it must be somewhere down in that direction.
- Paimon: But don't people usually travel to Liyue from Sumeru by water? Why even go near The Chasm?
- Najib: That's rather... personal. It has nothing to do with you, I think.
- Najib: And that's all I know. I've got other things to do, so leave me alone!
- (Talk to Anaya, optional)
- Anaya: The "Sumpter Beastlord"? I saw it when I was in the forest the other night.
- Anaya: It was a cloudy night. I was walking when a shadow of the size of a mound rushed toward me with a rumbling sound...
- Anaya: I fainted. And I came to myself the next day. The guy who carried me back said I collapsed at the foot of the mountain. Luckily I was not seriously injured...
- Anaya: Well, I'm not so sure about the exact location... Maybe it's in the east...
- (Talk to Hong, optional)
- Hong: The "Sumpter Beastlord"? That was a few days ago. I was looking for some special ore, and somehow ended up the other side of the mountain...
- Hong: And there was the huge Sumpter Beast. Gee. It was so huge. I've never seen such a huge one in my life.
- Hong: It charged toward me the moment it saw me. Luckily, I ran fast enough to escape...
- Hong: The other side of which mountain? Ah, it's one of the mountains to the west. I can't remember more details... But it must be one of the peaks to the west.
- (If all three witnesses have been spoken to)
- Paimon: Hmm... According to the witnesses, it seems that the "Sumpter Beastlord" appears to hunt just outside The Chasm...
- Paimon: Let's search the outer side of the mountain on the west of The Chasm!
- (Approach the location of the Sumpter Beastlord)
- Paimon: According to the witness' words, the "Sumpter Beastlord" should be somewhere nearby...
- (Approach the Sumpter Beastlord)
- Paimon: Wow! This one is way bigger than other Sumpter Beasts!
- Paimon: Well, this has gotta be the "Sumpter Beastlord"!
Rishboland Raja[]
- (Interact with the notice, optional)
- A Notice: "About the recent sightings of large Rishboland Tigers:"
- A Notice: "Please do not loiter after dark. The Rishboland Tigers are known to come out at night."
- A Notice: "Please do not leave any meat in this area. Feeding the tigers is not the correct way to stay safe. Conversely, it may encourage the tigers to stay."
- (Place Fowl on the plate behind the notice and wait until 22:00-24:00)
- Paimon: Whoa, it showed up! Yikes this Rishboland Tiger is so big!
- Paimon: We've gotta chase it off, (TravelerTraveler)!
Return to Santon[]
- (After defeating all three creatures)
- Paimon: And all three creatures have been driven off, just like that!
- Paimon: Let's go back and tell Santon!
- (Talk to Santon)
- Santon: You've driven the savage creatures away?
- Santon: I haven't even seen any yet. So, how fearsome were those creatures?
They weren't really that intimidating...
- Santon: Sounds like it was a cakewalk for you.
Oh, very fearsome!
- Santon: Really? I wish I could have seen that for myself.
- Santon: I'm relieved to know those creatures are gone, though I'm bitter that I didn't get to see them.
- Santon: It's common to see stronger predators beat their rivals to the prey...
- Santon: Haha, but I won't lose next time!
We're not going to lose to you, either!
- Paimon: That's right!
- Paimon: But isn't "handling fierce animals" supposedly the duty of the Forest Rangers here in Sumeru?
- Santon: Huh? Didn't I say so before? This is a commission I accepted... from a Forest Ranger I know.
- Santon: The recent issues with The Withering have occupied a lot of manpower, though I don't know much about the details...
- Santon: So jobs like "handling fierce animals" fell upon me.
- Paimon: So that's why.
- Santon: Thank you very much for your help! Here's your payment.
- The Gator Raja, Rishboland Raja, and Sumpter Beastlord are also mentioned in The Children of Vimara Village.
- Defeating the Sumpter Beastlord before talking to Najib, Hong, and/or Anaya will prevent the player from talking to any of them.
Video Guides[]
Where Are the Fierce Creatures? Guide
Quick Guide: Where Are the Fierce Creatures
Full Guide
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Where Are the Fierce Creatures? | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 凶猛动物在哪里 Xiōngměng Dòngwù Zài Nǎlǐ | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 兇猛動物在哪裡 Xiōngměng Dòngwù Zài Nǎlǐ | |
Japanese | 凶猛動物はどこだ Kyoumou Doubutsu wa Doko da | Where are the Fierce Animals |
Korean | 맹수는 어디에 있을까 Maengsuneun Eodie Isseulkka | Where Are the Savage Beasts? |
Spanish | ¿Dónde están los animales salvajes? | Where Are the Wild Animals? |
French | Les créatures féroces et où les trouver | Fierce Creatures and Where to Find Them |
Russian | Где свирепые животные? Gde svirepyye zhivotnyye? | Where Are the Savage Animals? |
Thai | สัตว์ดุร้ายอยู่ที่ใด | |
Vietnamese | Động Vật Hung Dữ Ở Đâu | |
German | Wo sind die aggressiven Tiere? | Where are the Aggressive Animals? |
Indonesian | Mana Makhluk Buasnya? | Where Are The Beast? |
Portuguese | Onde Estão as Feras Selvagens? | |
Turkish | Vahşi Yaratıklar Nerede? | |
Italian | Dove sono le feroci creature? |
Change History[]
Released in Version 3.0
[Create New History]
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