William Campbell (abt.1650-) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (2025)

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William Campbell (abt.1650-) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (1)

William"of Wester Kames"Campbell

Born about in Wester Kames, Bute, ScotlandWilliam Campbell (abt.1650-) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (3)

Ancestors William Campbell (abt.1650-) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (4)


of Archibald (Campbell) Campbell of Knockemelieand Margaret Campbell

Brother ofDuncan (Campbell) Campbell of Auchinbreck 4th Bt, Janet (Campbell) Reid, Jean Campbell andMary Campbell

Husband ofMargaret (MacLaine) Campbell— married[date unknown] in Bute, ScotlandWilliam Campbell (abt.1650-) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (5)

Descendants William Campbell (abt.1650-) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (6)

Father ofWilliam Campbell

Died [date unknown]in ScotlandWilliam Campbell (abt.1650-) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (7)

Profile last modified | Created 4 Apr 2014

This page has been accessed 1,640 times.

This profile is part of the Campbell Name Study.


William was born about 1650, the son of Archibald Campbell and Margaret Campbell. Some sources suggest he was not the son of Archibald but of Archibald's parents, Duncan Campbell and Jean Colquhoun. He married firstly, Marian Bannatyne and they were the parents of Duncan and Jean. He married secondly, Margaret MacLaine, and they were the parents of William.


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DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships.Paternal line Y-chromosome DNA test-takers:

  • Chris Campbell :Family Tree DNA Y-DNA Test 111 markers, haplogroup RM-269, FTDNA kit #481649

Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.

Comments: 6

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William Campbell (abt.1650-) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (15) Chris Campbell

Well, it's been we;; ovr a year now, and testing has continued. It is now confirmed the it is not genetically possible for the Cherry Valley family to be descended from Auchinbreck. The CCSNA Campbell DNA Project at FTDNA, of which I am a DNA TEam member, now had two Auchinbreck BigY700 kits and the SNP haplogroup is now known and lines up with our other Lochow kits as it should. Cherry Valley, and therefore Lt. Col. William cannot be descendeants. This SNP mutation can only be had by direct father to son transmission. Cherry Valley descendants as predicted R-M222 Irish do not carry the mutation. It's that simple. Actually they aren't predicted to carry the Lochow mutation either. And the common ancestor between the two lines (Lochow and Cherry Valley) is to quote FTDBA, "The man who is the most recent common ancestor of this line is estimated to have been born around 2450 BCE." This genealogy connecting to Auchinbreck is not possible. Thanks.

postedby Chris Campbell

William Campbell (abt.1650-) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (16) Stevenson Browne

Sorry for the misundrstanding. The MRCA (Most Recent Common Ancestor) could often be within a few centuries but when we limit to only the direct male ancestor a different result might be expected.

postedby Stevenson Browne

William Campbell (abt.1650-) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (17) Chris Campbell

I have no idea what that means honestly. "A different result may be expected.."? If we are talking Y-DNA and SNPs that "result" would be the actual direct line male ancestor... Again the way the Y-DNA testing has come back there is a disconnect between what we know the Auchinbreck line to be, and what the Cherry Valley descndants have submitted. They do *not* line up, which confirmed what Dr. Ruby had suggested many years back, namely Lt. Col. William may have married into the Wester Kames family "at best". Until we get many more BigY tests submitted Auchinbreck (A5919 Scotiish) and Lt. Col. William and Cherry Valley (M222 Irish) are never going to line up no matter what. They are in completely different branches of the Haplotree whose common ancestor dates back to about 2100BCE lst time I checked. As I stated on FasmilySearch...if yanyone disagrees with the current test resultss you are free to submit your own FTDNA BigY700 kit and accompanying direct line genealogy. But be fiorewarned... the above senario is "in context" both genetically and genealogically. In other wordds, there are other kits claiming other related lines/cadets related to the Auchinbreck family and they are where they would be expected to show, both genetically and genealogically.

postedby Chris Campbell

William Campbell (abt.1650-) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (18) Chris Campbell

Y-DNA test kits at FTDNA in the Camp[bell Project show this this relationship to Auchinbreck is an impossiblity. William's desccendants test out as M222... The Auchinbreck line is undewr FGC10124... The common ancestor between those two branches is R-Z39589, dated to around 2100 BCE.

Dr Ruby, the CCSNA genealogist has addressed this indirectly suggesting "The Lt. Col. was a younger son of another John Campbell who was severely wounded at the Battle of Inverlochy in 1645."

postedby Chris Campbell

William Campbell (abt.1650-) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (19) Stevenson Browne

[Comment Deleted]

postedby Stevenson Browne
deletedby Stevenson Browne

William Campbell (abt.1650-) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (20) Chris Campbell

You need to read up on SNP mutations and how they work. It is anything but nonsense. SNP mutations are only traanmissable father to son. If we were talking about STRs you might have an arguments, but not so when discussing SNP mutations. What I stated is a matter of fact. It's not an opinion.:) The two lines could *not* have been related after about 2100BCE.

postedby Chris Campbell
editedby Chris Campbell

This week's connection theme is .William is17 degrees from Quincy Jones, 19 degrees from Dan Aykroyd, 23 degrees from Miles Davis, 20 degrees from Aretha Franklin, 17 degrees from Michael Jackson, 16 degrees from Sidney Lumet, 23 degrees from Mike Myers, 22 degrees from Oscar Peterson, 15 degrees from Kenny Rogers, 18 degrees from Diana Ross, 25 degrees from LaDonna Sudano and 22 degrees from Dinah Washingtonon our single family tree.Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

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Categories: Campbell Name Study

William Campbell (abt.1650-) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (2025)
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