William Campbell (abt.1710-bef.1770) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (2025)

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William Campbell (abt.1710-bef.1770) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (1)


Born about in County Londonderry, IrelandWilliam Campbell (abt.1710-bef.1770) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (3)


of Alexander Campbelland [mother unknown]

Brother ofAlexander Campbell, David Campbell, Florence Campbell, Martha Campbell, Robert Campbell, Mary Campbell andJane Campbell

Husband ofMary (Magill) Campbell— married[date unknown] in ScotlandWilliam Campbell (abt.1710-bef.1770) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (4)

Descendants William Campbell (abt.1710-bef.1770) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (5)

Father ofWilliam Campbell, Alexander Campbell and Alexander Campbell

Died before before about age 60in Augusta, VirginiaWilliam Campbell (abt.1710-bef.1770) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (6)

Problems/QuestionsProfile managers:Ken Parman [send private message], Adam Campbell [send private message], Kevin Guy Campbell [send private message], and Nicky Campbell [send private message]

Profile last modified | Created 3 Aug 2013

This page has been accessed 2,627 times.


William Campbell, of the Calfpasture, Augusta County, VA was born in about 1680 in Donegal, Ireland to parents Alexander Campbell and Mary Magill. He immigrated to America in 1740 and settled in Virginia. He died in May 1759 in Augusta, Virginia, having lived a long life of 79 years.

Legal records for William include an indenture 2 April 1745 between James Patton and John Lewis, county of Augusta, and William Campbell of same.. for five shillings.. sold 308 acres lying on both sides of the Great River of the Calf Pasture.. beginning.. James Carter's line.. Jacob Clemmon's line... (signed) Jas. Patton [seal], John Lewis [seal]. Witnesses: James Carter, Robt. Crockett, John Poston. Recorded Orange County 25 July 1745.. payment of £10.05.08 .. release acknowledged. {Orange County Virginia Deed Book 10, Dorman, pg. 40]. [S1]

William was born about 1710. He was the son of Alexander Campbell. He passed away in 1770.


  • Virginia, Land, Marriage, and Probate Records, 1639-1850: This land record was originally published in "Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia, 1745-1800. Extracted from the Original Court Records of Augusta County" by Lyman Chalkley. Privy examination of Mary, wife of John Davidson, deed to William Campbell, 12 Mar 1779.Book: 23-53
  • U.S. Naturalization Records Indexes, 1794-1995: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); Washington, D.C.; Indexes to Naturalization petitions to the U.S. Circuit and District Courts for Maryland, 1797-1951; Microfilm Serial: M1168; Microfilm Roll: 3
  • U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s: Name-

William Campbell. Arrival Year: 1740. Arrival Place- Augusta Co., Virginia. Source Publication Code- 5831. Primary Immigrant: Campbell, William. Annotation: List of Augusta County settlers. Also in no. 3816, King; no. 2302, Fry; and no. 720, Boyer, Ship Passenger Lists, the South, pp. 91-95. Source Bibliography:MORTON, OREN F. "Importations, 1739-1740." In A History of Rockbridge County, Virginia. Staunton, Va.: McClure Co., 1920, pp. 456-457. Page: 456.

  • North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000. Book Title: Historic Sumner County, Tennessee: with genealogies of the Bledsoe, Cage and Douglass families and genealogical notes of other Sumner County families

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DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships.Paternal line Y-chromosome DNA test-takers:

  • Steven Campbell :Family Tree DNA Y-DNA Test 37 markers, haplogroup E-L117, FTDNA kit #196725
  • Nicky Campbell :Family Tree DNA Y-DNA Test 111 markers, haplogroup E-M35, FTDNA kit #949638

It is likely that theseautosomal DNAtest-takers will share some percentage of DNA with William:

Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.

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William Campbell (abt.1710-bef.1770) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (27) Kevin Guy Campbell

Campbell-61811 and Campbell-7502 appear to represent the same person because: This is to eliminate the duplicate William. William-7502 is the oldest profile so it will be the survivor.

postedby Kevin Guy Campbell

Ellen Gustafson

Campbell-32696 and Campbell-7502 are not ready to be merged because: May not be the same person

postedby Ellen Gustafson

William Campbell (abt.1710-bef.1770) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (28) Rhonda (Tucker) Zimmerman

Campbell-11858 and Campbell-7502 appear to represent the same person because: Same spouse, children, birth

postedby Rhonda (Tucker) Zimmerman

William Campbell (abt.1710-bef.1770) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (29) Robin Lee

Campbell-32696 and Campbell-7502 appear to represent the same person because: identical father and birth, no primary sources for different death date on Campbell-32696, not proven. Same son is shown on both profiles, merge should be done based on sourced data on Campbell-7502

postedby Robin Lee

William Campbell (abt.1710-bef.1770) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (30) Ken Parman

Campbell-1135 and Campbell-11858 are not ready to be merged because: While these two MAY represent the same person, more research needs to be done to obtain the correct information on dates & places.

postedby Ken Parman

Marie (Fortner) Keeton

Campbell-1135 and Campbell-11858 appear to represent the same person because: Parents are Archibald Campbell and Anne Mackenzie Campbell.

postedby Marie (Fortner) Keeton

Rejected matches› William Campbell (bef.1730-1778)

This week's connection theme is .William is16 degrees from Quincy Jones, 19 degrees from Dan Aykroyd, 21 degrees from Miles Davis, 20 degrees from Aretha Franklin, 15 degrees from Michael Jackson, 15 degrees from Sidney Lumet, 24 degrees from Mike Myers, 23 degrees from Oscar Peterson, 14 degrees from Kenny Rogers, 18 degrees from Diana Ross, 26 degrees from LaDonna Sudano and 24 degrees from Dinah Washingtonon our single family tree.Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

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William Campbell (abt.1710-bef.1770) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (2025)
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